Johnny Lynch is the North West Cork farmer who, in 2009, brought in a herd of 30 Italian Water Buffalos to his farm in Macroom. His neighbours may have scratched their heads, but Johnny was soon using their milk to produce Buffalo Mozzarella cheese.
Johnny realised that the incredibly lush grass lands of North West Cork provided the perfect environment for his buffalo. He now milks a herd of over 75 year round, and they are happy, healthy and thriving.
Johnny’s mozzarella struck gold at the prestigious world Cheese Awards in San Sebastian, Spain in 2016. In a blind tasting, the judges found it to be as good as anything that comes out of the traditional buffalo mozzarella producing regions of Italy. Johnny’s Gold Medal cheeses are now to be found in major supermarkets and top-class delis across Ireland and further afield.
It’s simple, Johnny had a dream and he followed it. It may have struck many as eccentric, even mad. But he knew his land, he knew how rich it was, and he had the imagination to do something that has never been attempted before in Ireland.
Johnny and his team at Macroom have expanded their range to include haloumi, ricottas and other products. Macroom is now the land where the buffalo roam free, and Johnny the Mozzarella Man is outstanding in his own field.
Macroom Buffalo Cheese now welcomes groups of visitors and has an open farm day once a month. Just contact them via their website for more details.
You can follow Johnny and his buffalo's on @macroombuffalo
A herd of Italian Water Buffalo on a farm in North Cork? It may sound quixotic – but Macroom Buffalo Cheese, the passion project of farmer Johnny L...