This 500-acre estate and Georgian country house hotel has 30 acres dedicated to growing cider apples for their famous independent craft Cider's and Ireland's only Apple Brandy (Est 1985) – a variety of historical and informative tours take in the walled garden, orchard, cider mill, distillery and the house, and can include tea or lunches in the great house.
Longueville House Cider's & Brandy range has earned a reputation of quality - rapidly becoming a major hit in many restaurants and licensed premises throughout Ireland, U.K. Europe and The U.S.A. (O'Callaghan's Irish Cider available in the U.S).
"We incorporate a"blossom-to-bottle" ethos helping to ensure sustainability, authenticity, quality, traceability and compliance, on the grounds of our award winning country house in Mallow, County Cork."
For more information on the house, its produce and visiting (the best times are for the blossoming in May and the harvest in October) visit their website